Models with many conditions specific parameters

Here we will create a PEtabODEproblem for a small ODE-model with many parameters to estimate. Specifically, the ODE-system has $\leq 20$ states and $\leq 20$ parameters, but there are approximately 70 parameters to estimate, since most parameters are specific to a subset of simulation conditions. For example, cond1 has a parameter τcond1, and cond2 has τcond2, which maps to the ODE-system parameter τ, respectively.

To run the code, you need the Beer PEtab files, which you can find here. You can also find a fully runnable example of this tutorial here.

First, we load the necessary libraries and read the model.

using PEtab
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Printf

path_yaml = joinpath(@__DIR__, "Beer", "Beer_MolBioSystems2014.yaml") 
petab_model = PEtabModel(path_yaml, verbose=true)
PEtabModel for model Beer. ODE-system has 4 states and 9 parameters.
Generated Julia files are at ...

Handling condition-specific parameters

When dealing with small ODE-systems like Beer, the most efficient gradient method is gradient_method=:ForwardDiff. Additionally, we can compute the hessian via hessian_method=:ForwardDiff. However, by default, we have to perform as many forward-passes (solve the ODE model) as there are model-parameters when we compute the gradient and hessian as we compute derivatives by a single call to ForwardDiff.jl. This is problematic since the Beer model has both many simulation conditions and model parameters to estimate. To address this issue, we can use the option split_over_conditions=true to force one ForwardDiff.jl call per simulation condition. This is most efficient for models where a majority of parameters are specific to a subset of simulation conditions.

For a model like Beer, the following options are thus recommended:

  1. ode_solver - Rodas5P() (works well for smaller models with up to 15 states) and we use the default abstol, reltol .= 1e-8.
  2. gradient_method - For small models like Beer, forward mode automatic differentiation (AD) is the fastest, so we choose :ForwardDiff.
  3. hessian_method - For small models like Boehm with up to 20 parameters, it is computationally feasible to compute the full Hessian via forward-mode AD. Thus, we choose :ForwardDiff.
  4. split_over_conditions=true - This forces a call to ForwardDiff.jl per simulation condition.
ode_solver = ODESolver(Rodas5P(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model, ode_solver, 

p = petab_problem.θ_nominalT
gradient = zeros(length(p))
hessian = zeros(length(p), length(p))
cost = petab_problem.compute_cost(p)
petab_problem.compute_gradient!(gradient, p)
petab_problem.compute_hessian!(hessian, p)
@printf("Cost = %.2f\n", cost)
@printf("First element in the gradient = %.2e\n", gradient[1])
@printf("First element in the hessian = %.2f\n", hessian[1, 1])
Cost = -58622.91
First element in the gradient = 7.17e-02
First element in the hessian = 755266.33