Events (callbacks, dosages, etc.)

To account for experimental interventions, such as the addition of a substrate, changes in experimental conditions (e.g., temperature), or automatic dosages, events (often called callbacks, dosages, etc.) can be used. When creating a PEtabModel in Julia, events should be encoded as a PEtabEvent:

PEtabEvent(condition, affects, targets)

A model event triggered by condition that sets the value of targets to that of affects.

For a collection of examples with corresponding plots, see the documentation.


  • condition: A Boolean expression that triggers the event when it transitions from false to true. For example, if t == c1, the event is triggered when the model time t equals c1. For S > 2.0, the event triggers when specie S passes 2.0 from below.
  • affects: An equation of of model species and parameters that describes the effect of the event. It can be a single expression or a vector if there are multiple targets.
  • targets: Model species or parameters that the event acts on. Must match the dimension of affects.

This tutorial covers how to specify two types of events: those triggered at specific time points and those triggered by a species (e.g., when a specie exceeds a certain concentration). As a working example, we use the Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics model from the starting tutorial. Even though the code below provides the model as a ReactionSystem, everything works exactly the same if the model is provided as an ODESystem.

using Catalyst, DataFrames, PEtab

t = default_t()
rn = @reaction_network begin
    @parameters S0 c3=1.0
    @species S(t)=S0
    c1, S + E --> SE
    c2, SE --> S + E
    c3, SE --> P + E
speciemap = [:E => 2.0, :SE => 0.0, :P => 0.0]

@unpack E, S, P = rn
@parameters sigma
obs_sum = PEtabObservable(S + E, 3.0)
obs_p = PEtabObservable(P, sigma)
observables = Dict("obs_p" => obs_p, "obs_sum" => obs_sum)

# Set values for better plots
p_c1 = PEtabParameter(:c1; value = 1.0)
p_c2 = PEtabParameter(:c2; value = 2.0)
p_s0 = PEtabParameter(:S0; value = 5.0)
p_sigma = PEtabParameter(:sigma)
pest = [p_c1, p_c2, p_s0, p_sigma]

# Smaller dataset compared to starting tutorial
measurements = DataFrame(obs_id=["obs_p", "obs_sum", "obs_p", "obs_sum"],
                         time=[1.0, 10.0, 1.0, 20.0],
                         measurement=[0.7, 0.1, 1.0, 1.5])

Events/callbacks can be directly encoded in a Catalyst ReactionNetwork or a ModelingToolkit ODESystem model. However, we strongly recommend using PEtabEvent for optimal performance, and to ensure the correct evaluation of the objective function and especially its derivative [6].

Time-Triggered Events

Time-triggered events are activated at specific time points. The trigger value can be either a constant value (e.g., t == 2.0) or a model parameter (e.g., t == c2). For example, to trigger an event at t = 2, where species S is updated as S <- S + 2, do:

@unpack S = rn
event = PEtabEvent(t == 2.0, S + 2, S)
PEtabEvent: Condition t == 2.0 and affect S(t) = 2 + S(t)

Then, to ensure the event is included when building the PEtabModel, include the event under the events keyword:

model = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest; events=event, speciemap = speciemap)
petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model)
┌ Warning: solve_for is deprecated, please use symbolic_linear_solve instead.
  caller = _get_tstops(model_SBML::SBMLImporter.ModelSBML, specie_ids::Vector{String}, parameter_ids::Vector{String}, float_tspan::Bool, p_PEtab::Vector{String}) at callbacks.jl:150
@ SBMLImporter ~/.julia/packages/SBMLImporter/U48Cw/src/callbacks.jl:150

From solving the dynamic ODE model, it is clear that at t == 2, S is incremented by 2:

using Plots
x = get_x(petab_prob)
sol = get_odesol(x, petab_prob)
plot(sol; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output

The trigger time can also be a model parameter, where the parameter is allowed to be estimated. For instance, to trigger the event when t == c2 and assign c1 as c1 <- 2.0, do:

@unpack c2 = rn
event = PEtabEvent(t == c2, 5.0, :c1)
PEtabEvent: Condition t == c2 and affect c1 = 5.0

From plotting the solution, it is clear that a change in dynamics occurs at t == c2:

model = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest; events=event, speciemap = speciemap)
petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model)
sol = get_odesol(x, petab_prob)
plot(sol; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output

If the condition and target are single parameters or species, they can be specified as Num (from @unpack) or a Symbol (:c1 above). If the event involves multiple parameters or species, they must be provided as a Num equation (see below).

Specie-Triggered Events

Specie-triggered events are activated when a species-dependent Boolean condition transitions from false to true. For example, suppose we have a dosage machine that triggers when the substrate S drops below the threshold value of 2.0, and at that point, the machine updates S as S <- S + 1. This can be encoded as:

@unpack S = rn
event = PEtabEvent(S == 0.2, 1.0, S)
PEtabEvent: Condition S(t) == 0.2 and affect S(t) = 1.0

Plotting the solution, we can clearly see how S is incremented every time it reaches 0.2:

model = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest; events=event, speciemap = speciemap)
petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model)
sol = get_odesol(x, petab_prob)
plot(sol; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output

With species-triggered events, the direction can matter. For instance, with S == 0.2, the event is triggered when S approaches 0.2 from either above or below. To activate the event only when S drops below 0.2, write:

event = PEtabEvent(S < 0.2, 1.0, S)
model = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest; events=event, speciemap = speciemap)
petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model)
sol = get_odesol(x, petab_prob)
plot(sol; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output

Because events only trigger when the condition (S < 0.2) transitions from false to true, this event is triggered when S approaches from above. Meanwhile, if we write S > 0.2, the event is never triggered:

event = PEtabEvent(S > 0.2, 1.0, S)
model = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest; events=event, speciemap = speciemap)
petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model)
sol = get_odesol(x, petab_prob)
plot(sol; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output

Multiple Event Targets

Sometimes an event can affect multiple species and/or parameters. In this case, both affect and target should be provided as vectors. For example, suppose an event is triggered when the substrate fulfillsS < 0.2, where S is updated as S <- S + 2 and c1 is updated as c1 <- 2.0. This can be encoded as:

event = PEtabEvent(S < 0.2, [S + 2, 2.0], [S, :c1])
PEtabEvent: Condition S(t) < 0.2 and affect [S(t), c1] = [2 + S(t), 2.0]

The event is provided as usual to the PEtabModel:

model = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest; events=event, speciemap = speciemap)
petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model)
sol = get_odesol(x, petab_prob)
plot(sol; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output

When there are multiple targets, the length of the affect vector must match the length of the target vector.

Multiple Events

Sometimes a model can have multiple events, which then should be provided as Vector of PEtabEvent. For example, suppose event1 is triggered when the substrate fulfills S < 0.2, where S is updated as S <- S + 2, and event2 is triggered when t == 1.0, where c1 is updated as c1 <- 2.0. This can be encoded as:

@unpack S, c1 = rn
event1 = PEtabEvent(S < 0.2, 1.0, S)
event2 = PEtabEvent(1.0, 2.0, :c1)
events = [event1, event2]
2-element Vector{PEtabEvent}:
 PEtabEvent: Condition S(t) < 0.2 and affect S(t) = 1.0
 PEtabEvent: Condition t == 1.0 and affect c1 = 2.0

These events are then provided as usual to the PEtabModel:

model = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest; events=event, speciemap = speciemap)
petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model)
sol = get_odesol(x, petab_prob)
plot(sol; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output

In this example, two events are provided, but with your imagination as the limit, any number of events can be provided.

Modifying Event Parameters for Different Simulation Conditions

The trigger time (condition) and/or affect can be made specific to different simulation conditions by introducing control parameters (here c_time and c_value) and setting their values accordingly in the simulation conditions:

rn = @reaction_network begin
    @parameters c3=1.0 S0 c_time c_value
    @species S(t) = S0
    c1, S + E --> SE
    c2, SE --> S + E
    c3, SE --> P + E

cond1 = Dict(:S => 5.0, :c_time => 1.0, :c_value => 2.0)
cond2 = Dict(:S => 2.0, :c_time => 4.0, :c_value => 3.0)
conds = Dict("cond1" => cond1, "cond2" => cond2)

measurements = DataFrame(simulation_id=["cond1", "cond1", "cond2", "cond2"],
                         obs_id=["obs_P", "obs_Sum", "obs_P", "obs_Sum"],
                         time=[1.0, 10.0, 1.0, 20.0],
                         measurement=[0.7, 0.1, 1.0, 1.5])

In this setup, when the event is defined as:

event = PEtabEvent(:c_time, :c_value, :c1)
PEtabEvent: Condition c_time and affect c1 = c_value

the c_time parameter controls when the event is triggered, so for condition c0, the event is triggered at t=1.0, while for condition c1, it is triggered at t=4.0. Additionally, for conditions cond1 and cond2, the parameter c1 takes on the corresponding c_value values, which is 2.0 and 3.0, respectively, which can clearly be seen when plotting the solution for cond1

model = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest; events=event, speciemap = speciemap,
                   simulation_conditions = conds)
petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model)
sol_cond1 = get_odesol(x, petab_prob; cid=:cond1)
plot(sol_cond1; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output

and cond2

sol = get_odesol(x, petab_prob; cid=:cond2)
plot(sol; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output


F. Fröhlich, F. J. Theis, J. O. Rädler and J. Hasenauer. Parameter estimation for dynamical systems with discrete events and logical operations. Bioinformatics 33, 1049–1056 (2017).