Steady-State Simulations (Pre-Equilibration)

Sometimes, such as with perturbation experiments, the model should be at a steady state at time zero before performing the simulation that is compared against data. From a modeling perspective, this can be handled by first simulating the model to reach a steady state and then, possibly by changing some control parameters, perform the main simulation. In PEtab.jl, this is handled by defining pre-equilibration simulation conditions.

This tutorial covers how to specify pre-equilibration conditions for a PEtabModel. It requires that you are familiar with PEtab simulation conditions, if not; see this tutorial. As a working example, we use the Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics model from the starting tutorial. Even though the code below encodes the model as a ReactionSystem, everything works exactly the same if the model is encoded as an ODESystem.

using Catalyst, PEtab

t = default_t()
rn = @reaction_network begin
    @parameters S0 c3=1.0
    @species S(t)=S0
    c1, S + E --> SE
    c2, SE --> S + E
    c3, SE --> P + E
speciemap = [:E => 50.0, :SE => 0.0, :P => 0.0]

@unpack E, S, P = rn
@parameters sigma
obs_sum = PEtabObservable(S + E, 3.0)
obs_p = PEtabObservable(P, sigma)
observables = Dict("obs_p" => obs_p, "obs_sum" => obs_sum)

# Unlike the starting tutorial we do not estimate S0 here as it below
# dictates simulation conditions
p_c1 = PEtabParameter(:c1)
p_c2 = PEtabParameter(:c2)
p_sigma = PEtabParameter(:sigma)
pest = [p_c1, p_c2, p_sigma]

Specifying Pre-equilibration Conditions

Pre-equilibration conditions are specified in the same way as simulation conditions. For instance, assume we have two simulation conditions for which we have measurement data (cond1 and cond2), where in cond1, the parameter value for S0 is 3.0, and in cond2, the value for S0 is 5.0:

cond1 = Dict(:S0 => 3.0)
cond2 = Dict(:S0 => 5.0)

Additionally, assume that before gathering measurements for conditions cond1 and cond2, the system should be at a steady state starting from S0 = 2.0. This pre-equilibration condition (the conditions under which the system reaches steady state) is defined just like any other simulation condition:

cond_preeq = Dict(:S0 => 2.0)

As usual, the condition should be collected in a Dict:

conds = Dict("cond_preeq" => cond_preeq, "cond1" => cond1, "cond2" => cond2)
Dict{String, Dict{Symbol, Float64}} with 3 entries:
  "cond_preeq" => Dict(:S0=>2.0)
  "cond1"      => Dict(:S0=>3.0)
  "cond2"      => Dict(:S0=>5.0)

Mapping Measurements to Pre-equilibration Conditions

To properly link the measurements to a specific simulation configuration, both the main simulation ID and the pre-equilibration ID must be specified in the measurements DataFrame. For our working example, a valid measurement table would look like this (the column names matter, but not the order):

simulation_id (str)pre_eq_id (str)obs_id (str)time (float)measurement (float)

For each measurement, the simulation configuration is interpreted as follows: the model is first simulated to a steady state using the condition specified in the pre_eq_id column, and then the model is simulated and compared against the data using the condition in the simulation_id. In Julia this measurement table would look like:

using DataFrames
measurements = DataFrame(simulation_id=["cond1", "cond1", "cond2", "cond2"],
                         pre_eq_id=["cond_preeq", "cond_preeq", "cond_preeq", "cond_preeq"],
                         obs_id=["obs_p", "obs_sum", "obs_p", "obs_sum"],
                         time=[1.0, 10.0, 1.0, 20.0],
                         measurement=[0.7, 0.1, 1.0, 1.5])
4×5 DataFrame

Bringing It All Together

Given a Dict with simulation conditions and measurements in the correct format, it is straightforward to create a PEtab problem with pre-equilibration conditions by providing the condition Dict under the simulation_conditions keyword:

model = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest;
                   simulation_conditions = conds)
petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model)
PEtabODEProblem: ReactionSystemModel with ODE-states 4 and 3 parameters to estimate
---------------- Problem options ---------------
Gradient method: ForwardDiff
Hessian method: ForwardDiff
ODE-solver nllh: Rodas5P
ODE-solver gradient: Rodas5P
ss-solver: Simulate ODE until du = f(u, p, t) ≈ 0
ss-solver gradient: Simulate ODE until du = f(u, p, t) ≈ 0

From the printout, we see that the PEtabODEProblem now has a SteadyStateSolver. The default steady-state solver is generally a good choice, but if you are interested in more details, see to the API and [this] ADD! example.

Additional Possible Pre-equilibration Configurations

In the example above, each measurement has the same pre-equilibration condition, and all observations have a pre-equilibration condition. PEtab.jl also allows for more flexibility, and the following configurations are supported:

  • Different pre-equilibration conditions: If measurements have different pre-equilibration conditions, simply define these as simulation conditions, and specify the corresponding condition in the pre_eq_id column of the measurements table.
  • No pre-equilibration for some measurements: If some measurements do not require pre-equilibration, leave the entry in the pre_eq_id column empty for these measurements.