
This overarching tutorial of PEtab.jl covers how to create a parameter estimation problem in Julia (a PEtabODEProblem) and how to estimate the unknown parameters for the created problem.

Input Problem

As a working example, this tutorial considers the Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics chemical reaction model:

\[S + E \xrightarrow{c_1} SE \\ SE \xrightarrow{c_2} S + E \\ SE \xrightarrow{c_3} S + P,\]

Which, via the law of mass action, can be converted to a system of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs):

\[\begin{align*} \frac{\mathrm{d}S}{\mathrm{d}t} &= c_1 S \cdot E - c_2 SE \\ \frac{\mathrm{d}E}{\mathrm{d}t} &= c_1 S \cdot E - c_2 SE \\ \frac{\mathrm{d}SE}{\mathrm{d}t} &= -c_1 S \cdot E + c_2 SE - c_3 SE \\ \frac{\mathrm{d}P}{\mathrm{d}t} &= c_3 SE \end{align*}\]

For the working example, we assume that the initial values for the species [S, E, SE, P] are:

\[S(t_0) = S_0, \quad E(t_0) = 50.0, \quad SE(t_0) = 0.0, \quad P(t_0) = 0.0\]

And that the observables for which we have time-lapse measurement data are the sum of S + E as well as P:

\[\begin{align*} obs_1 &= S + E \\ obs_2 &= P \end{align*}\]

For the parameter estimation, we aim to estimate the parameters [c1, c2] and the initial value S(t_0) = S0 (a total of three parameters), while assuming c3 = 1.0 is known. This tutorial demonstrates how to set up this parameter estimation problem (create a PEtabODEProblem) and estimate parameters using Optim.jl.

Creating the Parameter Estimation Problem

To define a parameter estimation problem we need four components:

  1. Dynamic Model: The dynamic model can be provided as either a Catalyst.jl ReactionSystem or a ModellingToolkit.jl ODESystem.
  2. Observable Formulas: To link the model to the measurement data, we need observable formulas. Since real-world data often comes with measurement noise, PEtab also requires that noise formulas and noise distributions are provided for each observable. All of this is specified with the PEtabObservable.
  3. Parameters to Estimate: A parameter estimation problem needs parameters to be estimated. Since often only a subset of the dynamic model parameters is estimated, PEtab explicitly requires that the parameters to be estimated are specified as a PEtabParameter. It is also possible to set priors on these parameters.
  4. Measurement Data: To estimate parameters, measurement data is required. This data should be provided as a DataFrame in the format explained below.
  5. Simulation Conditions (Optional): Measurements are often collected under various experimental conditions, which correspond to different simulation conditions. Details on how to handle such conditions are provided in this tutorial.

Defining the Dynamic Model

The dynamic model can be either a Catalyst.jl ReactionSystem or a ModelingToolkit.jl ODESystem. For the Michaelis-Menten model above, the Catalyst representation is given by:

using Catalyst
t = default_t()
rn = @reaction_network begin
    @parameters S0 c3=1.0
    @species S(t)=S0
    c1, S + E --> SE
    c2, SE --> S + E
    c3, SE --> P + E

\[ \begin{align*} \mathrm{S} + \mathrm{E} &\xrightleftharpoons[c2]{c1} \mathrm{SE} \\ \mathrm{SE} &\xrightarrow{c3} \mathrm{P} + \mathrm{E} \end{align*} \]

Parameters that are constant (c3) and those that set initial values (S0) should be defined in the parameters block. Values for parameters that are to be estimated (here [c1, c2, S0]) do not need to be specified. Similarly, for species, only those with a parameter-dependent initial value need to be defined in the species block, while species with a constant initial value can be defined directly in the system (similar to c3 above) or as a specie map:

speciemap = [:E => 50.0, :SE => 0.0, :P => 0.0]
3-element Vector{Pair{Symbol, Float64}}:
  :E => 50.0
 :SE => 0.0
  :P => 0.0

Any species or parameters with undeclared initial values default to 0. For additional details on how to create a ReactionSystem, see the excellent Catalyst documentation.

Using a ModelingToolkit ODESystem, the model is defined as:

using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
@mtkmodel SYS begin
    @parameters begin
        c3 = 1.0
    @variables begin
        S(t) = S0
        E(t) = 50.0
        SE(t) = 0.0
        P(t) = 0.0
    @equations begin
        D(S) ~ -c1 * S * E + c2 * SE
        D(E) ~ -c1 * S * E + c2 * SE + c3 * SE
        D(SE) ~ c1 * S * E - c2 * SE - c3 * SE
        D(P) ~ c3 * SE
@mtkbuild sys = SYS()

\[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d} S\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= c2 \mathrm{SE}\left( t \right) - c1 E\left( t \right) S\left( t \right) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} E\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= c2 \mathrm{SE}\left( t \right) + c3 \mathrm{SE}\left( t \right) - c1 E\left( t \right) S\left( t \right) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} \mathrm{SE}\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= - c2 \mathrm{SE}\left( t \right) - c3 \mathrm{SE}\left( t \right) + c1 E\left( t \right) S\left( t \right) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} P\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= c3 \mathrm{SE}\left( t \right) \end{align} \]

For an ODESystem, all parameters and species must be declared in the @mtkmodel block. If the value of a parameter or species is left empty (e.g., c2 above) and the parameter is not set to be estimated, it defaults to 0. For additional details on how to create an ODESystem model, see the ModelingToolkit documentation.

Defining the Observables

To connect the model with measurement data, we need an observable formula. Additionally, since measurement data is typically noisy, PEtab requires a measurement noise formula.

For example, let us assume we have observed the sum E + S ($obs_1$ above) with a known normally distributed measurement error (σ = 3.0). This in encoded as:

using PEtab
@unpack E, S = rn
obs_sum = PEtabObservable(S + E, 3.0)
PEtabObservable: h = E(t) + S(t) and sd = 3.0 with normal measurement noise

In PEtabObservable, the first argument is the observed formula, and the second argument is the formula for the measurement error. In this case, we assumed a known measurement error (σ = 3.0), but often the measurement error is unknown and needs to be estimated. For example, let us assume we have observed P ($obs_2$) with an unknown measurement error sigma. This in encoded as:

@unpack P = rn
@parameters sigma
obs_p = PEtabObservable(P, sigma)
PEtabObservable: h = P(t) and sd = sigma with normal measurement noise

By defining sigma as a PEtabParameter (explained below), it is estimated along with the other parameters. To complete the definition of the observables, we need to group all PEtabObservables together into a Dict and assign an appropriate name for each observable:

observables = Dict("obs_p" => obs_p, "obs_sum" => obs_sum)
Dict{String, PEtabObservable} with 2 entries:
  "obs_p"   => PEtabObservable: h = P(t) and sd = sigma with normal measurement…
  "obs_sum" => PEtabObservable: h = E(t) + S(t) and sd = 3.0 with normal measur…

More formally, a PEtabObservable defines a likelihood function for an observable. By default, a normally distributed error and corresponding likelihood is assumed, but log-normal distribution is also supported. For more details, see the API.

Defining Parameters to Estimate

To set up a parameter estimation problem, we need to specify the parameters to estimate via PEtabParameter. To set c1 to be estimated, use:

p_c1 = PEtabParameter(:c1)
PEtabParameter: c1 estimated on log10-scale with bounds [1.0e-03, 1.0e+03]

From the printout, we see that by default c1 is assigned bounds [1e-3, 1e3]. This is because benchmarks have shown that using bounds is advantageous, as it prevents simulation failures during parameter estimation[1]. Furthermore, we see that by default c1 is estimated on a log10 scale. Benchmarks have demonstrated that estimating parameters on a log10 scale improves performance [2, 3]. Naturally, it is possible to change the bounds and/or scale; see the API for details.

When specifying a PEtabParameter we can also provide prior information. For example, assume we know that c2 should have a value around 10. To account for this we can provide a prior for the parameter using any continuous distribution from Distributions.jl. For example, to assign a Normal(10.0, 0.3) prior to c2, do:

using Distributions
p_c2 = PEtabParameter(:c2; prior = Normal(10.0, 0.3))
PEtabParameter: c2 estimated on log10-scale with bounds [1.0e-03, 1.0e+03] and prior Normal(μ=10.0, σ=0.3)

By default, the prior is on a linear scale (not the default log10 scale), but this can be changed if needed. For more details, see the API.

To complete the definition of the parameters to estimate, we need to assign a PEtabParameter for each unknown and group them into a Vector:

p_s0 = PEtabParameter(:S0)
p_sigma = PEtabParameter(:sigma)
pest = [p_c1, p_c2, p_s0, p_sigma]
4-element Vector{PEtabParameter}:
 PEtabParameter: c1 estimated on log10-scale with bounds [1.0e-03, 1.0e+03]
 PEtabParameter: c2 estimated on log10-scale with bounds [1.0e-03, 1.0e+03] and prior Normal(μ=10.0, σ=0.3)
 PEtabParameter: S0 estimated on log10-scale with bounds [1.0e-03, 1.0e+03]
 PEtabParameter: sigma estimated on log10-scale with bounds [1.0e-03, 1.0e+03]

Measurement Data Format

The measurement data should be provided in a DataFrame with the following format (the column names matter, but not the order):

obs_id (str)time (float)measurement (float)

Where the columns correspond to:

  • obs_id: The observable to which the measurement corresponds. It must match one of the keys in the PEtabObservable Dict.
  • time: The time point at which the measurement was collected.
  • measurement: The measurement value.

For our working example, using simulated data, a valid measurement table would look like:

using OrdinaryDiffEq, DataFrames
# Simulate with 'true' parameters
ps = [:c1 => 1.0, :c2 => 10.0, :c3 => 1.0, :S0 => 100.0]
u0 = [:S => 100.0, :E => 50.0, :SE => 0.0, :P => 0.0]
tspan = (0.0, 10.0)
oprob = ODEProblem(rn, u0, tspan, ps)
sol = solve(oprob, Rodas5P(); saveat = 0:0.5:10.0)
obs_sum = (sol[:S] + sol[:E]) .+ randn(length(sol[:E]))
obs_p = sol[:P] .+ randn(length(sol[:P]))
df_sum = DataFrame(obs_id = "obs_sum", time = sol.t, measurement = obs_sum)
df_p = DataFrame(obs_id = "obs_p", time = sol.t, measurement = obs_p)
measurements = vcat(df_sum, df_p)
5×3 DataFrame

It is important to note that the measurement table follows a tidy format [4], where each row corresponds to one measurement. Therefore, for repeated measurements at a single time point, one row should be added for each repeat.

Bringing It All Together

Given a model, observables, parameters to estimate, and measurement data, it is possible to create a PEtabODEProblem, which contains all the information needed for parameter estimation. This is done in a two-step process, where the first step is to create a PEtabModel. For our ReactionSystem or ODESystem model, this is done as:

model_sys = PEtabModel(sys, observables, measurements, pest)
model_rn = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest; speciemap = speciemap)

Note that any potential speciemap or parametermap must be provided as a keyword. Given a PEtabModel, it is straightforward to create a PEtabODEProblem:

petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model_rn)
PEtabODEProblem: ReactionSystemModel with ODE-states 4 and 4 parameters to estimate
---------------- Problem options ---------------
Gradient method: ForwardDiff
Hessian method: ForwardDiff
ODE-solver nllh: Rodas5P
ODE-solver gradient: Rodas5P

The printout shows relevant statistics for the PEtabODEProblem. First, we see that there are 4 parameters to estimate. Additionally, we see that the ODE solver used for simulating the model is the stiff Rodas5P solver, and that both the gradient and Hessian are computed via forward-mode automatic differentiation using ForwardDiff.jl. These defaults are based on extensive benchmarks and typically do not need to be changed for models in biology. For models outside of biology, a discussion of the options can be found here. While the defaults generally perform well, they are not always perfect. Therefore, when creating a PEtabODEProblem, anything from the ODESolver to the gradient methods can be customized. For details, see the API.

Overall, the PEtabODEProblem contains all the information needed for performing parameter estimation. Next, this tutorial covers how to estimate unknown model parameters given a PEtabODEProblem.

Parameter estimation

A PEtabODEProblem (which we defined above) contains all the information needed to wrap a numerical optimization library to perform parameter estimation, and details on how to do this can be found here. However, wrapping existing optimization libraries is cumbersome, therefore PEtab.jl provides wrappers for Optim.jl, Ipopt, Optimization.jl, and Fides.py.

This section of the tutorial covers how to use Optim.jl to estimate parameters given a starting guess x0. Moreover, since the objective function to minimize for ODE models often contains multiple local minima, the tutorial also covers how to perform global optimization using multistart parameter estimation.

Single-Start Parameter Estimation

To perform parameter estimation with a numerical optimization algorithm, we typically need a starting point x0, where it is important that x0 follows the parameter order expected by the PEtabODEProblem. One way to obtain such a vector is by retrieving the PEtabODEProblem's vector of nominal values, which correspond to the optional parameter values specified in PEtabParameter (if unspecified, these values default to the mean of the lower and upper bounds). This vector can be retrieved with get_x:

x0 = get_x(petab_prob)
ComponentVector{Float64}(log10_c1 = 2.6989704386302837, log10_c2 = 2.6989704386302837, log10_S0 = 2.6989704386302837, log10_sigma = 2.6989704386302837)

From the printout we see that x0 is a ComponentArray, so in addition to the parameter values, it also holds the parameter names. Additionally, we see that parameters like log10_c1 have a log10 prefix. This is because the parameter (by default) is estimated on the log10 scale, which, as mentioned above, often improves parameter estimation performance [3]. Consequently, when changing the value for this parameter, the new value should be provided on the log10 scale. For example, to change c1 to 10.0 do:

x0.log10_c1 = log10(10.0)

For more details on how to interact with a ComponentArray, see the ComponentArrays.jl documentation. get_x is not the only way, and generally not the recommended way to retrieve a starting point. To avoid biasing the parameter estimation, it is recommended to use a random starting guess within the parameter bounds. This can be generated with get_startguesses:

x0 = get_startguesses(petab_prob, 1)

Given a starting point x0, we can now perform the parameter estimation. As this is a small problem with only 4 parameters to estimate, we use the Interior-point Newton method from Optim.jl (for algorithm recommendations, see this page):

using Optim
res = calibrate(petab_prob, x0, IPNewton())
---------------- Summary ---------------
min(f)                = 7.46e+01
Parameters esimtated  = 4
Optimiser iterations  = 41
Runtime               = 6.3e-01s
Optimiser algorithm   = Optim_IPNewton

The printout shows parameter estimation statistics, such as the final objective value fmin (which, since PEtab works with likelihoods, corresponds to the negative log-likelihood). We can further obtain the minimizing parameter vector:

ComponentVector{Float64}(log10_c1 = 0.00693610671805356, log10_c2 = 1.000053748021813, log10_S0 = 1.999909858119594, log10_sigma = 0.01485008202661754)

This vector is close to the true parameters used to simulate the data above. For information on additional statistics stored in res, see the API on PEtabOptimisationResult.

Lastly, to evaluate the parameter estimation, it is useful to plot how well the model fits the data. Using the built-in plotting functionality in PEtab, this is straightforward:

using Plots
plot(res, petab_prob; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output

Even though the plot looks good, it is important to remember that ODE models often have multiple local minima [2]. To ensure the global optimum is found, a global optimization approach is required. One effective method is multi-start parameter estimation, which we cover next.

Multi-Start Parameter Estimation

In multi-start parameter estimation, n parameter estimation runs are initiated from n random starting points. The rationale is that a subset of these runs should converge to the global optimum, and even though this is a simple global optimization approach, benchmarks have shown that it performs well for ODE models in biology [2, 5].

The first step in multi-start parameter estimation is to generate n starting points. Simple uniform sampling is not preferred, as randomly generated points tend to cluster. Instead, a Quasi-Monte Carlo method, such as Latin hypercube sampling, is better suited to generate well-spread starting points. In get_startguesses, LatinHypercubeSample is the default method used. Therefore, n = 50 Latin hypercube-sampled starting points can be generated with:

x0s = get_startguesses(petab_prob, 50)

Besides LatinHypercubeSample, get_startguesses also supports other sampling methods; for details, see the API. Given our starting points, we can perform multi-start parameter estimation:

res = Any[]
for x0 in x0s
    push!(res, calibrate(petab_prob, x0, IPNewton()))

As manually generating start guesses and calling calibrate can be cumbersome, PEtab.jl provides a convenience function, calibrate_multistart. For example, to run n = 50 multistarts, do:

ms_res = calibrate_multistart(petab_prob, IPNewton(), 50)
---------------- Summary ---------------
min(f)                = 7.46e+01
Parameters esimtated  = 4
Number of multistarts = 50
Optimiser algorithm   = Optim_IPNewton

The printout shows parameter estimation statistics, such as the best objective value fmin across all runs. For further details on what is stored in ms_res see the API documentation for PEtabMultistartResult.

Following multi-start parameter estimation, it is important to evaluate the results. One common evaluation approach is plotting, and a frequently used evaluation plot is the waterfall plot, which in a sorted manner shows the final objective values for each run:

plot(ms_res; plot_type=:waterfall)
Example block output

In the waterfall plot, each plateau corresponds to different local optima. Since many runs (dots) are found on the plateau with the smallest objective value, we can be confident that the global optimum has been found. Further, we can check how well the best run fits the data:

plot(ms_res, petab_prob; linewidth = 2.0)
Example block output

Next Steps

This overarching tutorial provides an overview of how to create a parameter estimation problem in Julia. As an introduction, it showcases only a subset of the features supported by PEtab.jl for creating parameter estimation problems. In the extended tutorials, you will find how to handle:

  • Simulation conditions: Sometimes data is gathered under various experimental conditions, where, for example, the initial concentration of a substrate differs between condition. To learn how to setup a problem with such simulation conditions see this tutorial.
  • Steady-State Initialization: Sometimes the model should be at a steady state at time zero, before it is simulated and compared against data. To learn how to set up a problem with such pre-equilibration criteria, see this tutorial.
  • Events: Sometimes a model may incorporate events like substrate addition at specific time points or parameter changes when a state/species reaches a certain value. To learn how to add model events see this tutorial.
  • Condition-Specific System/Model Parameters: Sometimes a subset of model parameters to estimate, such as protein synthesis rates, varies between simulation conditions, while other parameters remain constant across all conditions. To learn how to handle condition-specific parameters, see this tutorial.
  • Time-Point Specific Parameters: Sometimes one observable is measured with different assays. This can be handled by introducing different observable parameters (e.g., scale and offset) and noise parameters for different measurements. To learn how to add time-point-specific measurement and noise parameters, see this tutorial.
  • Import PEtab Models: PEtab is a standard table-based format for parameter estimation. If a problem is provided in this standard format, PEtab.jl can import it directly. To learn how to import models in the standard format, see this tutorial.

Besides creating a parameter estimation problem, this overarching tutorial demonstrated how to perform parameter estimation using Optim.jl. In addition, PEtab.jl also supports using Ipopt, Optimization.jl, and Fides.py. More information on available algorithms for parameter estimation can be found on this page. Besides frequentist parameter estimation, PEtab.jl also supports Bayesian inference with state-of-the-art samplers such as NUTS (the same sampler used in Turing.jl) and AdaptiveMCMC.jl. For more information, see the Bayesian inference [page].

Lastly, when creating a PEtabODEProblem there are many configurable options (see the API). The default options are based on extensive benchmarks for dynamic models in biology, see this page. For how to configure models outside of biology, see this page. Additionally, for a discussion on available gradient and Hessian methods, see this page.

Copy Pasteable Example

using Catalyst, PEtab
# Create the dynamic model(s)
t = default_t()
rn = @reaction_network begin
    @parameters S0 c3=1.0
    @species S(t)=S0
    c1, S + E --> SE
    c2, SE --> S + E
    c3, SE --> P + E
speciemap = [:E => 50.0, :SE => 0.0, :P => 0.0]

using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
@mtkmodel SYS begin
    @parameters begin
        c3 = 1.0
    @variables begin
        S(t) = S0
        E(t) = 50.0
        SE(t) = 0.0
        P(t) = 0.0
    @equations begin
        D(S) ~ -c1 * S * E + c2 * SE
        D(E) ~ -c1 * S * E + c2 * SE + c3 * SE
        D(SE) ~ c1 * S * E - c2 * SE - c3 * SE
        D(P) ~ c3 * SE
@mtkbuild sys = SYS()

# Observables
@unpack E, S = rn
obs_sum = PEtabObservable(S + E, 3.0)
@unpack P = rn
@parameters sigma
obs_p = PEtabObservable(P, sigma)
observables = Dict("obs_p" => obs_p, "obs_sum" => obs_sum)

# Parameters to estimate
using Distributions
p_c1 = PEtabParameter(:c1)
p_c2 = PEtabParameter(:c2; prior = Normal(10.0, 0.3))
p_s0 = PEtabParameter(:S0)
p_sigma = PEtabParameter(:sigma)
pest = [p_c1, p_c2, p_s0, p_sigma]

# Simulate measurement data with 'true' parameters
using OrdinaryDiffEq, DataFrames
ps = [:c1 => 1.0, :c2 => 10.0, :c3 => 1.0, :S0 => 100.0]
u0 = [:S => 100.0, :E => 50.0, :SE => 0.0, :P => 0.0]
tspan = (0.0, 10.0)
oprob = ODEProblem(rn, u0, tspan, ps)
sol = solve(oprob, Rodas5P(); saveat = 0:0.5:10.0)
obs_sum = (sol[:S] + sol[:E]) .+ randn(length(sol[:E]))
obs_p = sol[:P] + .+ randn(length(sol[:P]))
df_sum = DataFrame(obs_id = "obs_sum", time = sol.t, measurement = obs_sum)
df_p = DataFrame(obs_id = "obs_p", time = sol.t, measurement = obs_p)
measurements = vcat(df_sum, df_p)

model_sys = PEtabModel(sys, observables, measurements, pest)
model_rn = PEtabModel(rn, observables, measurements, pest; speciemap = speciemap)
petab_prob = PEtabODEProblem(model_rn)

# Parameter estimation
using Optim, Plots
x0 = get_startguesses(petab_prob, 1)
res = calibrate(petab_prob, x0, IPNewton())
plot(res, petab_prob; linewidth = 2.0)

ms_res = calibrate_multistart(petab_prob, IPNewton(), 50)
plot(ms_res; plot_type=:waterfall)
plot(ms_res, petab_prob; linewidth = 2.0)
WARNING: import of ModelingToolkit.t_nounits into Main conflicts with an existing identifier; ignored.


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