Supported SBML Features

SBMLImporter supports many SBML features for models of level 2 or higher. Currently, excluding FBA models it successfully passes around 1300 out of 1785 test cases. The failed test cases cover features currently not supported. Key features supported include:

  • Events.
  • Rate rules.
  • Assignment rules.
  • Algebraic rules.
  • Dynamic compartment size.
  • Species and model conversion factors.

Species can be specified in either concentrations or amounts. The unit is determined as follows:

  • If initialConcentration is set for a species, its unit will be set to concentration.
  • If initialAmount is set for a species, it will be treated as being in amount.
  • If neither is set, and the substanceUnits of the species is "substance," it is treated as being in amounts.

Currently SBMLImporter does not support the following features:

  • Delay (creating a delay-differential-equations).
  • Events with delay.
  • Events with priority.
  • Hierarchical models.
  • Fast reactions.
  • Parameter or species names corresponding to Julia constants (pi, Inf, NaN, true, false).
  • Certain uncommon math expressions, such as lt with three arguments, implies etc...

Support for additional features

If SBMLImporter lacks support for a feature you would like to have, please file an issue on GitHub.