Available Optimizers

PEtab.jl offers an interface to several popular optimization packages such as Optim.jl, Ipopt.jl, Fides.py and Optimization.jl for performing parameter estimation. Below, you find the available options for each optimizer.


PEtab.jl supports three optimization methods from Optim.jl: LBFGS, BFGS, and IPNewton (Interior-point Newton). You can further customize the optimization by providing options via Optim.Options(). A complete list of available options can be found here.

For example, LBFGS with 10,000 iterations can be used via:

res = calibrate_model(petab_problem, p0, Optim.LBFGS(),
                     options=Optim.Options(iterations = 10000))

If no options are provided, the default values are used:

Optim.Options(iterations = 1000,
              show_trace = false,
              allow_f_increases = true,
              successive_f_tol = 3,
              f_tol = 1e-8,
              g_tol = 1e-6,
              x_tol = 0.0)


Ipopt is an Interior-point Newton method designed for nonlinear optimization. In PEtab.jl, you can configure Ipopt to use either the Hessian method from the PEtabODEProblem or a LBFGS Hessian approximation.

To use the LBFGS Hessian approximation with Ipopt write:

using Optim
res = calibrate_model(petab_problem, p0, IpoptOptimiser(true))

With true indicates the use of the LBFGS approximation.

To use the method in the PEtabODEProblem, and want to run Ipopt for 200 iterations, write:

using Ipopt
res = calibrate_model(petab_problem, p0, IpoptOptimiser(false),
                     options=IpoptOptions(max_iter = 200))

In this case, false means you are using the method defined in the PEtabODEProblem, and the max_iter option limits the optimization to 200 iterations.

You can further configure Ipopt's behavior using IpoptOptions. Available options are:

  • print_level: Output verbosity level (valid values: 0 ≤ print_level ≤ 12)
  • max_iter: Maximum number of iterations
  • tol: Relative convergence tolerance
  • acceptable_tol: Acceptable relative convergence tolerance
  • max_wall_time: Maximum wall time for optimization
  • acceptable_obj_change_tol: Stopping criterion based on objective function change.

If no options are provided, PEtab.jl defaults to:

using Ipopt


Fides.py is a trust-region Newton method known for box-constrained optimisation problems. It is particularly efficient when computing the full Hessian is computationally expensive, but a Gauss-Newton Hessian approximation is feasible.

In PEtab.jl, you can use Fides for parameter estimation, but note that Fides is a Python library. To set up the necessary environment for Fides, make sure you have PyCall.jl installed in your Julia environment. You will also need to build PyCall with a Python environment that has Fides installed:

using PyCall

# Set the path to your Python executable
path_python_exe = "path_python"

# Set the PYTHON environment variable to the path of your Python executable
ENV["PYTHON"] = path_python_exe

# Build PyCall with the specified Python environment
import Pkg

!!!note path_python_exe should point to your Python executable, and it depends on the system configuration

Fides can be configured to use different Hessian methods; the method from the PEtabODEProblem or various approximation methods:

  • :BB: Broyden's "bad" method
  • :BFGS: Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno update strategy
  • :BG: Broyden's "good" method
  • :Broyden: BroydenClass Update scheme
  • :SR1: Symmetric Rank 1 update
  • :SSM: Structured Secant Method
  • :TSSM: Totally Structured Secant Method

To use Fides with a specific Hessian approximation method, such as BFGS, write:

using PyCall
res = calibrate_model(petab_problem, p0, Fides(:BFGS))

If you prefer to use the Hessian method from the PEtabODEProblem and limit Fides to 200 iterations, write:

using PyCall
res = calibrate_model(petab_problem, p0, Fides(nothing),
                     options=py"{'maxiter' : 1000}"o)

Fides options are specified using a Python dictionary. Available options and their default values can be found in the Fides documentation.


Optimization.jl provides a unified interface for over 100 optimization algorithms (see their documentation for the complete list). PEtab supports the conversion of a PEtabODEProblem into an OptimizationProblem, allowing any optimizer from Optimization.jl to be used.

To convert PEtabODEProblem into an OptimizationProblem do:

using Optimization
prob = PEtab.OptimizationProblem(petab_problem;

The optional keywords interior_point_alg (default false) should be set to true to use any of Optimization's interior point Newton algorithms (e.g., IPNewton or Ipopt). To use algorithms not compatible with box constraints (e.g., NewtonTrustRegion), set box_constraints to false. Disabling box-constraints might cause optimizers to move outside the parameter bounds in the petab_problem, however, potentially negatively impacting performance.

Once you have an OptimizationProblem and an initial guess p0, performing parameter estimation is straightforward through the Optimization.jl interface. For example, to use the ParticleSwarm method from Optim.jl:

using Optimization
using OptimizationOptimJL                                 
sol = solve(prob, Optim.ParticleSwarm(); reltol=1e-8)

Solver options are set using keywords. Here we set the relative tolerance for terminating the optimization as reltol=1e-8. A full list of options can be found here.

It is also possible to run multi-start parameter estimation using an OptimizationProblem:

res = calibrate_model_multistart(optimization_problem, petab_problem, alg, 
                                 nstarts, dir_save, reltol=1e-8)

Here, alg can be any algorithm available in Optimization.jl.