Model selection with PEtab Select

In many scenarios we have competing hypotheses (model structures) that we want to compare. For model selection, various approaches like forward search, backward search, and exhaustive search using evaluation criteria such as AIC are commonly used. These methods are supported by PEtab Select, a tool designed for model selection.


To use the parameter estimation functionality Optim, QuasiMonteCarlo and PyCall must be loaded (see examples below).


PEtab.jl provides support for PEtab Select through the run_PEtab_select function. This function takes two required arguments; the path to the PEtab Select YAML file, and the optimizer for parameter estimation. For the optimizer, you can choose from optimizer=Fides() (Fides Newton-trust region), optimizer=IPNewton() from Optim.jl, or optimizer=LBFGS() from Optim.jl (see). Additionally, you can pass any keyword arguments accepted by the calibrate_model function for parameter estimation and PEtabODEProblem function for setting simulation options (see).

Since PEtab Select is a Python package, you need to have PyCall.jl installed. Before using it, build PyCall with a Python environment that has PEtab select installed. Here's an example of how to do it (note that path_python_exe depends on your system configuration):

using PyCall
path_python_exe = joinpath("/", "home", "sebpe", "anaconda3", "envs", "PeTab", "bin", "python")
ENV["PYTHON"] = path_python_exe
import Pkg;"PyCall")

Once you have a correctly encoded PEtab Select problem (see the guide for details), you can run PEtab Select using the IPNewton() optimizer with the following code:

using PEtab 
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Optim
using QuasiMonteCarlo

path_yaml = joinpath(@__DIR__, "PEtab_select", "0002", "petab_select_problem.yaml")
path_save = run_PEtab_select(path_yaml, IPNewton(), 
┌ Info: PEtab select problem info
│ Method: forward
└ Criterion: AIC
[ Info: Model selection round 1 with 1 candidates - as the code compiles in this round compiled it takes extra long time
[ Info: Callibrating model M1_0
[ Info: Model selection round 2 with 3 candidates
[ Info: Callibrating model M1_1
[ Info: Callibrating model M1_2
[ Info: Callibrating model M1_3
[ Info: Model selection round 3 with 2 candidates
[ Info: Callibrating model M1_5
[ Info: Callibrating model M1_6
[ Info: Model selection round 4 with 1 candidates
[ Info: Callibrating model M1_7
[ Info: Saving results for best model at 0002/PEtab_select_forward_AIC.yaml

The YAML file storing the model selection results will be saved at path_save.

To run the code, you will need the PEtab files, which you can find here. You can also find a fully runnable example of this tutorial here.