Parameter Estimation (Model Calibration)

PEtab.jl provides interfaces to four optimization packages:

  • Optim: Supports LBFGS, BFGS, or IPNewton methods.
  • IpoptOptimiser: An interior-point optimizer.
  • Fides: A Newton trust region method.
  • Optimization.jl: PEtab provides support for converting a PEtabODEProblem into an OptimizationProblem, allowing the use of any optimizer from Optimization.jl.

You can find available options for each optimizer in the Available Optimizers section. To help you choose the right optimizer, based on extensive benchmarks we recommend:

  • If you have access to a full Hessian matrix, the Interior-point Newton method in Optim.jl typically outperforms the trust-region method in
  • If you can only provide a Gauss-Newton Hessian approximation (not the full Hessian), the Newton trust-region method in is usually more effective than the interior-point method in Optim.jl.

The algorithms accessible through PEtab's interfaces to Optim and Ipopt are also available in Optimization.jl. However, we recommend using the wrappers provided in PEtab, as they offer additional features. For example, when employing the Optim.jl LBFGS algorithm, PEtab's interface provides options to save the optimization trace, record extra optimization statistics, which is not as easily available in Optimization.jl. Similar holds true for Ipopt. In cases where the algorithms in Optim, Fides, or Ipopt do not yield optimal results for your specific problem, or if you prefer to employ a global optimizer such as particle swarm, Optimization.jl serves as a good interface.


To use Optim optimizers, you must load Optim with using Optim. To use Ipopt, you must load Ipopt with using Ipopt. To use Fides, load PyCall with using PyCall and ensure Fides is installed (see documentation for setup). To use Optimization load Optimization.jl with using Optimization

Additionally, the PEtabODEProblem contain all the necessary information to use other optimization libraries like NLopt.jl.

Multi-Start Local Optimization

A widely adopted and effective approach for model calibration is multi-start local optimization. In this method, a local optimizer is run from a large number (typically 100-1000) of randomly generated initial parameter guesses. These guesses are efficiently generated using techniques like Latin-hypercube sampling to effectively explore the parameter space.

To perform multi-start parameter estimation, you can employ the calibrate_model_multistart function. This function requires a PEtabODEProblem or a OptimizationProblem, the number of multi-starts, one of the available optimizer algorithms, and a directory to save the results. If you provide dir_save=nothing as the directory path, the results will not be written to disk. However, as a precaution against premature termination, we strongly recommended to specify a directory.

For example, to use the Interior-point Newton method from Optim.jl to perform parameter estimation on the Boehm model with 10 multi-starts you can write:

using PEtab
using Optim

dir_save = joinpath(@__DIR__, "Boehm_opt")
petab_model = PEtabModel(path_to_Boehm_model)
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model)
res = calibrate_model_multistart(petab_problem, IPNewton(), 10, dir_save,
                                 options=Optim.Options(iterations = 200))
--------- Summary ---------
min(f)                = 1.48e+02
Parameters esimtated  = 9
Number of multistarts = 10
Optimiser algorithm   = Optim_IPNewton

In this example, we use Optim.Options to set the maximum number of iterations to 200. You can find a full list of options here. The results are returned as a PEtabMultistartOptimisationResult, which contains the best-found minima (xmin), the smallest objective value (fmin), and optimization results for each run. In case a dir_save is provided results can also easily be read from disk into a PEtabMultistartOptimisationResult struct:

res_read = PEtabMultistartOptimisationResult(dir_save)
--------- Summary ---------
min(f)                = 1.48e+02
Parameters esimtated  = 9
Number of multistarts = 10
Optimiser algorithm   = Optim_IPNewton

Alternatively, we can first convert the PEtabODEProblem into an OptimizationProblem, and perform multi-start optimization with any algorithm in Optimization.jl, such as a particle swarm method:

using Optimization
using OptimizationOptimJL

dir_save = joinpath(@__DIR__, "Boehm_opt")
petab_model = PEtabModel(path_to_Boehm_model)
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model)
optimization_problem = PEtab.OptimizationProblem(petab_problem)
res = calibrate_model_multistart(optimization_problem, petab_problem, Optim.ParticleSwarm(), 10, dir_save,

Here reltol is one of many available solver options.

The method for generating initial parameter guesses can also be chosen, as we support any method available in QuasiMonteCarlo.jl. For instance, to use Latin-Hypercube sampling (which is the default), and to perform multi-start calibration with Fides, write:

using PEtab
using PyCall
using QuasiMonteCarlo

petab_model = PEtabModel(path_yaml)
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model)
res = calibrate_model_multistart(petab_problem, Fides(nothing), 10, dir_save,
--------- Summary ---------
min(f)                = 1.38e+02
Parameters esimtated  = 9
Number of multistarts = 10
Optimiser algorithm   = Fides

In this example, we utilize Latin-Hypercube sampling by specifying sampling_method=QuasiMonteCarlo.LatinHypercubeSample().

Finally, we have the option to save the trace of each optimization run. For instance, if we want to use Ipopt and save the trace for each run, while ensuring reproducibility by setting a seed, we can use the following code:

using PEtab
using Ipopt

petab_model = PEtabModel(path_yaml)
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model)
res = calibrate_model_multistart(petab_problem, IpoptOptimiser(false), 10, dir_save,
--------- Summary ---------
min(f)                = 1.38e+02
Parameters esimtated  = 9
Number of multistarts = 10
Optimiser algorithm   = Ipopt_user_Hessian

In this example, we use save_trace=true to enable trace saving and set seed=123 for reproducibility. We can access the traces for the first run as follows:


save_trace option is not available if using OptimizationProblem from Optimization.jl.

Generating startguesses for parameter estimation

When you call the calibrate_model_multistart function, it uses the generate_startguesses function to create initial startguesses for parameter estimation. With generate_startguesses, you can generate start-guesses within the bounds of the PEtabODEProblem using various sampling methods from QuasiMonteCarlo through the sampling_method parameter. For example, to run 10 optimization runs with Sobol sampling, do:

using QuasiMonteCarlo
res = calibrate_model_multistart(petab_problem, IpoptOptimiser(false), 10, dir_save,

In addition for problems specified directly in Julia, when a parameter has a prior, the start-guesses for said parameter are sampled from the prior distribution, where the prior is clipped/truncated by the parameter's lower and upper bounds. You can disable this for all parameters by setting sample_from_prior=false. To disable it for specific parameters, use sample_from_prior=false when creating the PEtabParameter. For example: PEtabParameters(:c1, sample_from_prior=false).

For problems specified in the PEtab table format, the initializationPriorType must be provided to sample initial values from priors. See the PEtab documentation for details.

Single-Start Parameter Estimation

If we want to perform single-start parameter estimation instead of multistart, we can use the calibrate_model function. This function runs a single optimization from a given initial guess.

Given a starting point p0 which can be generated by the generate_startguesses function, and that we want to use Ipopt for optimization the model can be parameter estimated via:

p0 = generate_startguesses(petab_problem, 1)
res = calibrate_model(petab_problem, p0, IpoptOptimiser(false),
                      options=IpoptOptions(max_iter = 1000))
--------- Summary ---------
min(f)                = 1.38e+02
Parameters esimtated  = 9
Optimiser iterations  = 31
Run time              = 1.9e+00s
Optimiser algorithm   = Ipopt_user_Hessian

The results are returned as a PEtabOptimisationResult, which includes the following information: minimum parameter values found (xmin), smallest objective value (fmin), number of iterations, runtime, whether the optimizer converged, and optionally, the trace if save_trace=true.