Events (callbacks, dosages etc...)

To account for experimental interventions, such as the addition of a substrate, changes in experimental conditions (e.g., temperature), or automatic dosages when a species exceeds a certain concentration, events (often called callbacks, dosages etc...) can be used. In a PEtabModel, events can be encoded via PEtabEvent:

PEtabEvent(condition, affect, target)


  • condition is the event trigger and can be i) a constant value or a model parameter that are assumed to be the time the event is activated, or ii) a Boolean expression triggered when, for example, a state exceeds a certain value.

  • affect is the effect of the event, which can either be a value or an algebraic expression involving model parameters and/or states. In case of several affects, provide a Vector.

  • target specifies the target on which the effect acts. It must be either a model state or parameter. In case of several targets, provide a Vector of targets where affect[i] is the effect for target[i].

In this section we cover two types of events: those triggered at specific time-points and those triggered by a state (e.g., when a state exceeds a certain concentration), and as working example we use a modified version of the example in the Creating a PEtab Parameter Estimation Problem in Julia tutorial:

using Catalyst
using DataFrames
using Distributions
using PEtab
using Plots

system = @reaction_network begin
    @parameters se0
    @species SE(t) = se0  # se0 = initial value for S
    c1, S + E --> SE
    c2, SE --> S + E
    c3, SE --> P + E

# Define state and parameter maps
state_map =  [:E => 1.0, :P => 0.0]
parameter_map = [:c1 => 1.0]

# Define observables
@unpack P, E, SE = system
obs_P = PEtabObservable(P, 1.0, transformation=:lin)
obs_Sum = PEtabObservable(E + SE, 3.0, transformation=:log)
observables = Dict("obs_P" => obs_P,
                   "obs_Sum" => obs_Sum)

# Define parameters for estimation
_c3 = PEtabParameter(:c3, scale=:log10)
_se0 = PEtabParameter(:se0, prior=LogNormal(1.0, 0.5), prior_on_linear_scale=true)
_c2 = PEtabParameter(:c2)
petab_parameters = [_c2, _c3, _se0]

# Define simulation conditions
condition_c0 = Dict(:S => 5.0)
condition_c1 = Dict(:S => 2.0)
simulation_conditions = Dict("cond0" => condition_c0,
                             "cond1" => condition_c1)

# Define measurement data
measurements = DataFrame(
    simulation_id=["cond0", "cond0", "cond1", "cond1"],
    obs_id=["obs_P", "obs_Sum", "obs_P", "obs_Sum"],
    time=[1.0, 10.0, 1.0, 20.0],
    measurement=[0.7, 0.1, 1.0, 1.5]

Even though events can be directly encoded in a Catalyst or ModellingToolkit model, we strongly recommend PEtabEvent for optimal performance (e.g. use DiscreteCallback when possible), and for ensuring correct evaluation of the objective function and its derivatives.

Time-Triggered Events

Time-triggered events are activated at specific time-points. The condition can either a constant value (e.g. 1.0) or a model parameter (e.g. c2). For example, to trigger an event at t = 2 where the value 2 is added to the state S write:

@unpack S = system
event = PEtabEvent(2.0, S + 2, S)
PEtabEvent: condition t == 2.0, affect S(t) = 2 + S(t)

When building the PEtabModel the event is then provided via the events keyword:

petab_model = PEtabModel(
    system, simulation_conditions, observables, measurements,
    petab_parameters, state_map=state_map, parameter_map=parameter_map,
    events=event, verbose=false
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model, verbose=false)

Solving the model with the parameter vector p = [c2=0.1, c3=0.1, se0=0.1] we can clearly see that at t == 2 S is incremented by 2;

p = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
odesol = get_odesol(p, petab_problem)
Example block output

The trigger time can also be a model parameter. For instance, to trigger the event when t == c2 and to set c1 to 2.0 write:

event = PEtabEvent(:c2, 2.0, :c1)
PEtabEvent: condition c2, affect c1 = 2.0

and here it is clear a change occurs at t == c2

petab_model = PEtabModel(
    system, simulation_conditions, observables, measurements,
    petab_parameters, state_map=state_map, parameter_map=parameter_map,
    events=event, verbose=false
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model, verbose=false)
odesol = get_odesol(p, petab_problem)
Example block output

If the condition and target are single parameters or states, they can be specied as Num (from unpack) or a Symbol. If the event involves multiple parameters or states, you must provide them as either a Num (as shown below) or a String.

State Triggered Events

State-triggered events are activated when a species/state fulfills a certain condition. For example, suppose we have a dosage machine that trigger when the substrate S drops below the threshold value of 0.1, and at this time the machine adds up the substrate so it reaches the value 1.0:

@unpack S = system
event = PEtabEvent(S == 0.2, 1.0, S)
PEtabEvent: condition S(t) == 0.2, affect S(t) = 1.0

Here, S == 0.1 means that the event is triggered when S reaches the value of 0.1. Plotting the solution we clearly see how S is affected:

petab_model = PEtabModel(
    system, simulation_conditions, observables, measurements,
    petab_parameters, state_map=state_map, parameter_map=parameter_map,
    events=event, verbose=false
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model, verbose=false)
odesol = get_odesol(p, petab_problem)
Example block output

With state-triggered events, the direction of the condition can matter. For instance, with S == 0.2, the event is triggered whether S approaches 0.2 from above or below. If we want it to activate only when S enters from above, write:

@unpack S = system
event = PEtabEvent(S < 0.2, 1.0, S)
PEtabEvent: condition S(t) < 0.2, affect S(t) = 1.0

Here, S < 0.2 means that the event will trigger only when the expression goes from false to true, in this case when S approaches 0.2 from above. To trigger the event only when S approaches 0.2 from below, write S > 0.2, and we can clearly see that with

@unpack S = system
event = PEtabEvent(S > 0.2, 1.0, S)
PEtabEvent: condition S(t) > 0.2, affect S(t) = 1.0

the event is not triggered when simulating the model as S comes from above

petab_model = PEtabModel(
    system, simulation_conditions, observables, measurements,
    petab_parameters, state_map=state_map, parameter_map=parameter_map,
    events=event, verbose=false
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model, verbose=false)
odesol = get_odesol(p, petab_problem)
Example block output

Modifying Event Parameters for Different Simulation Conditions

The trigger time (condition) and/or affect can be made specific to different simulation conditions by introducing control parameters (here c_time and c_value) and setting their values accordingly in the simulation conditions:

system = @reaction_network begin
    @parameters se0 c_time c_value
    @species SE(t) = se0  # se0 represents the initial value of S
    c1, S + E --> SE
    c2, SE --> S + E
    c3, SE --> P + E

# Define state and parameter maps
state_map =  [:E => 1.0, :P => 0.0]
# c_value defaults to 1 prior to the event trigger
parameter_map = [:c1 => 1.0]

condition_c0 = Dict(:S => 5.0, :c_time => 1.0, :c_value => 2.0)
condition_c1 = Dict(:S => 2.0, :c_time => 4.0, :c_value => 3.0)
simulation_conditions = Dict("cond0" => condition_c0,
                             "cond1" => condition_c1)
Dict{String, Dict{Symbol, Float64}} with 2 entries:
  "cond0" => Dict(:S=>5.0, :c_time=>1.0, :c_value=>2.0)
  "cond1" => Dict(:S=>2.0, :c_time=>4.0, :c_value=>3.0)

In this setup, when the event is defined as:

event = PEtabEvent(:c_time, :c_value, :c1)
PEtabEvent: condition c_time, affect c1 = c_value

the c_time parameter controls when the event is triggered, so for condition c0, the event is triggered at t=1.0, while for condition c1, it is triggered at t=4.0. Additionally, for conditions cond0 and cond1, the parameter c1 takes on the corresponding c_value values, which is 2.0 and 3.0, respectively, which can clearly be seen when plotting the solution for cond0

petab_model = PEtabModel(
    system, simulation_conditions, observables, measurements,
    petab_parameters, state_map=state_map, parameter_map=parameter_map,
    events=event, verbose=false
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model, verbose=false)
odesol = get_odesol(p, petab_problem; condition_id=:cond0)
Example block output

and cond1

odesol = get_odesol(p, petab_problem; condition_id=:cond1)
Example block output

Multiple Targets for an Event

Sometimes an event can affect multiple states and/or parameters. In this case, both affect and target should be provided as vectors to the PEtabEvent. For example, suppose an event is triggered when the substrate S < 0.2, where S is incremented by 2.0, and c1 changes its values to 2.0. This can be encoded as:

@unpack S, c1 = system
event = PEtabEvent(S < 0.2, [S + 2, 2.0], [S, c1])
PEtabEvent: condition S(t) < 0.2, affect Symbolics.Num[S(t), c1] = Symbolics.Num[2 + S(t), 2.0]

These events can then be provided when building the PEtabModel using the events keyword:

petab_model = PEtabModel(
    system, simulation_conditions, observables, measurements,
    petab_parameters, state_map=state_map, parameter_map=parameter_map,
    events=event, verbose=false
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model, verbose=false)
odesol = get_odesol(p, petab_problem)
Example block output

In case of several affects the length of the affect vector must match the length of the event vector.

Multiple Events

A model can have multiple events, which can be easily defined as a PEtabModel accepts a Vector of PEtabEvent as input. For example, suppose we have an event triggered when the substrate S satisfies S < 0.2, where S changes its value to 1.0. Additionally, we have another event triggered when t == 1.0, where the parameter c1 changes its value to 2.0. This can be encoded as:

@unpack S, c1 = system
event1 = PEtabEvent(S < 0.2, 1.0, S)
event2 = PEtabEvent(1.0, 2.0, :c1)
events = [event1, event2]
2-element Vector{PEtabEvent{T1, Float64} where T1}:
 PEtabEvent: condition S(t) < 0.2, affect S(t) = 1.0
 PEtabEvent: condition t == 1.0, affect c1 = 2.0

These events can then be provided when building the PEtabModel with the events keyword:

petab_model = PEtabModel(
    system, simulation_conditions, observables, measurements,
    petab_parameters, state_map=state_map, parameter_map=parameter_map,
    events=events, verbose=false
petab_problem = PEtabODEProblem(petab_model, verbose=false)
odesol = get_odesol(p, petab_problem)
Example block output